Turntable, but which one?

I have narrowed my search for a “new” turntable to these models:

- TW Acustic Raven one
- SME model 10
- Avid Diva II SP
- Avid Diva Volvere SP (old model)
- Thorens TD 124 (restored completely)

My tonearm is a SME 309 and the cartridge a Denon DL 103M (with sapphire cantilever and paratrac stylus) feeding a ARC PH5 riaa.

Which one would You go for and why ?
I just recently heard a SME 20 with a Koetsu Coralstone Platinum at a Sonus Faber Aida demonstration. I would agree with a dark perspective. I would certainly not suggest a "lifeless" sound maybe a shade polite. From what i've read the SME 10 could be a little bass shy. Never heard the Raven One but it wins the beauty contest. Avoid the vintage Thorens, nostalgia is best suited for a 2nd or 3rd system. By default or price/performance ratio the Avid Volvere SP gets my vote.
Although I use the Raven One I also like the Avids.

If I were planning to supersede the R1 it would probably be the Avid Acutus Reference. Even then I wouldn't be expecting a massive improvement... ;^)
I suggest the SME 10 on top of a Vibraplane. With the SME arm, the new motor
controller, this is a great combination. I owned one and did not find it dark. The
bass is not as great as my SME 30/12, nor is the background quite as black, but
for the price, it is very hard to beat, especially if it is properly isolated. I haven't
heard the other tables in my system, only at shows or in a friend's system, but
too many variables to identify how the tables contributed to the sounds of the
various systems.
This is a personal decision of course, but I wouldn't choose any of them. Why?
None of these has any solution inside which moves the sonic curtain in a way
that one can say, it is definitely better than others.
I would save my money for
- Well Tempered Amadeus
- Oracle
- Townshend Rock 7