is it safe to clean records with isopropanol ?

I've been thinking of making some home-brew record cleaner. Most of the online recipes use 20-25 % (or more) isopropanol.But some think this is not good for modern vinyl because it leaches out plastic stabilizers in the vinyl.Others think the ill-effects are due to contaminants in the isopropanol.I can get access to lab grade ISP so was wondering if you had any advice before I make the plunge. I have about 300 lps that I want to clean.
There's quite a bit of difference between what alcohols do and what mild detergents do, and fortunately for us, the thread that best described the differential effects of the various potential components of a record cleaning solution seems to be "alive" again. Look down the Analog Discussion page and find the thread on record cleaning solutions. The first post is a very useful summary of good research on the subject by a guy who obviously knows some chemistry.
The heading for the thread: "A very long primer on record cleaning fluids"
I have records that were cleaned cleaned with alcohol many times that I bought when I was seventeen years old. I am almost sixty-two now, and they still play perfectly.
I wonder why it is always Isopropyl Alchol and never Ethanol. You can obtain fairly high purity Ethanol 91% at almost any drugstore. I realize this is off topic but may in fact be relevant.
Some very fancy Vodka type cleaning solution bottles may be next ridiculous big thing in High End audio. I can envision it, look at what we pay for the premade and kit cleaning solutions we use now. Imagine it for a second Grey Goose record cleaning solution LOL.