Information on setting cartridge loading

and what to listen for. Are there any good articles on this subject? Thanks.
cartridge loading changes on MC cartridges typically affect the high frequencies, so listen for excess brightness and work from there. Some people like MCs loaded at 47k, just like MM cartridges.
Much of this depends on the design of the MC, internal impedance and coil/magnet structures; some cartridges respond audibly to changes in loading (Koetsu) while others it seems to make very little difference (Lyra).
Lyra will sound different 47K vs. 100Ohms, but will not sound different 100Ohms vs. 1Kohm. I would not recommend loading Lyra <100Ohms.
Thank you all. Marakanetz, I have a Lyra Titan-i cartridge and am using a Graham Slee Reflex with Graham Slee Elevator which has various settings for different load.