Why do I like the Denon 103r so much?

I have a Shelter 5000 but I got a great deal on a Denon 103R that I would try for fun or to have a cheap cartridge for crappy records. I put it on today and I'm floored...it is so alive..so forward, but in a great way. Is the Shelter too smooth, is it broken? Im confused, why do I like the Denon so much?
Spirit, at some stage I will send a 103R to Expert Stylus so I can compare with the SoundSmith version. The different stylus shape will certainly have an impact on the sound. I've heard some say the 'Paratrace' stylus (similar to VDH's profile?) used by ESC is superior and sounds 'better'....but I've never read a controlled comparison. Since line contacts are fussy beasts to optimise, it would be easy for one to be slightly less well aligned for geometry/azimuth etc and the 'win' would go to the other.
Plenty of users with the ESC version and, like you say, it has great feedback. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
10-08-12: Schubert
If really on a budget, which many good folk are, the DL-110 is not all that far behind.
I have a DL-160, which is the 110's big brother, with a finer stylus and better cantilever. Given how my $325 Audio Technica AT150MLX leaves the DL-160 in the dust, I find it hard to believe that the DL110 is not too far behind the DL-103R.

Don't get me wrong: The DL-160/110 is a good cartridge; it's quite nice especially for the money with a warm rich sound and excellent tonal balance. But if it can't approach the AT150MLX, I don't see how it could be in the ballpark with the DL103R.
I am setting up a second system, and am interested in the 103. I own the A23 (Denon 103) Step UP Transformer, which I occasionally use in my main system.
The thing is, getting a compatible TT/ Tonearm setup that will work. I believe the 103 likes a heavier arm, at least medium mass...? Any suggestions here?
My price range is around 2K for BOTH table and Tonearm.
I have a Well Tempered Amadeus, A23 SUT, and 103R. it's a great combo! you can get a new Simplex, which I hear sounds very close to the Amadeus, for $2k.
FJN, I use the D103R with a Jelco SA750D tonearm - its a great combination for very reasonable money

Good Listening
