VPI Classic Azimuth Seems to Change -- Normal??

I own the VPI Classic with a Classic 3 wand upgrade. The Classic 3 wand is stainless steel and incorporates Valhalla silver wiring. My carty is the VPI Zephyr. My set-up is pretty straightforward.

Here's what I noticed. I was checking aziumth and some other settings. I'm pretty sure that the azimuth changed when I moved the arm to the inner tracks. It was pretty stable in the middle and outer tracks. It seems that the Valhalla wire in some way is twisting the arm causing the change. To try and minimize the effect, I tried not to twist the wire, but to little effect.

Any thoughts, comments or suggestions?
Tried to make it as straight as possible, but there is always some inherent twist. Very curious. Theoretically, there is nothing that should cause the wand to twist on the uni-pivot point, other than the wire. I'll try calling Mike at VPI and see what he thinks.
Bifwynne, you might want to check the antiskate collar that attaches at the tonearm, the one that holds the fishing line. Sometimes if that is off, it can affect the azimuth, especially as the arm moves in. I have noticed it on my Classic 1. Let us know what Mike says.