Basis table or SME

I am looking to acquire a high end table. I currently use a Forsell Air Reference. I really like the build quality and support that Basis provides and have heard equally good comments about SME tables as well. I would appreciate your feedback on both or either of these tables. I'm considering a Basis 2500/2800 Signature or a Basis Bebut Signature or an SME 20/3 or 20/12. I am open to other suggestions that are designs based on proven technology with excellent customer care. Thanks very much.
Have compared many Basis tables to SME over the years. I decided first on a Basis 2002 with a Graham arm and then upgraded to a Basis 2800 Signature with a Vector 3 and Dynavector cartridge. Liked the rhythm and pace of the Basis tables and the extended bass. Am about to sell the 2800 combo to move up to a higher level Basis table and arm.
Feel free to contact me at to discuss if you want.
I owned a 2800 Debut Sig with vacuum table for many years and it was a wonderful table, no issues at all. I was loaned a SME 20/2 for over a month and while it produced the blackest back ground it just had no involvement to the music for me, very "dead" sounding in my system.
Just my opinion yours may vary.

(Dealer disclaimer)
I havent heard the SME. I own a lesser Basis 2001 and have heard a 2800. I also own a Sota Cosmos IV. I believe the Sota and Basis are comparable and equals, the Basis in Acrylic and the Sota in Wood. The Sota uses a very advanced suspension system that is covered from sight, so it doesnt get much notice. The vacuum system on the Sota is dead quiet, barely heard on start up and cannot be heard after about 3 seconds when it seats the record and reduces vacuum. No chance of vacuum damage to records with the Sota. I think the vacuum system is very important to acheiving the best a table can offer.
Sota's customer care is exemplary. A little slow at times, but always keep you informed and up to date. All their tables can be upgraded to the latest and greatest. They are a US company, like Basis, if that matters, and have been around a long time.
either of the three tables you are considering will give you great music. the Sota is probably the least expensive of the group
I am located near New York City - I still own the Forsell. I'm more than happy to talk to you about it if you would like.