Monday, nice, congratulations. If after you install the Classic 3 you get a "thump" through your speakers when you shut the turntable off, then you need to change the capacitor across the on-off switch from the .001 microfarad installed to a .01 microfarad. Just write VPI and they will send you one or buy one at Radio Shack. It is easy to change, just take off the trap door under the turntable. The easiest way is to take the platter off and arm, then lean the table on the carpet against the couch with the trap door facing up. They are installed with standard electrical twist caps. The thump doesn't occur in everyone's system, it depends. It did in mine, and after changing the capacitor, no thump.
Monday, nice, congratulations. If after you install the Classic 3 you get a "thump" through your speakers when you shut the turntable off, then you need to change the capacitor across the on-off switch from the .001 microfarad installed to a .01 microfarad. Just write VPI and they will send you one or buy one at Radio Shack. It is easy to change, just take off the trap door under the turntable. The easiest way is to take the platter off and arm, then lean the table on the carpet against the couch with the trap door facing up. They are installed with standard electrical twist caps. The thump doesn't occur in everyone's system, it depends. It did in mine, and after changing the capacitor, no thump.