Entry Level MC Recommendations?

The househeeper's duster snagged the stylus of my SoundSmith rebuilt Clearaudio Virtuoso cartridge and yanked it clean out! Now that I'm done crying, I'm looking at it as an opportunity to try a MC cartridge. My budget is $200-300. I have a Clearaudio Emotion turntable with Satisfy tonearm. I like what I read about the Benz-Micro MC20E2-L. The Denon DL-103 has been recommended. Ortophon Blue? Sumiko Pearl? I'm open to anything that will give me an even balance between detail and musicality/tonal accuracy. I listen to folk, jazz and classical, as well as the occasional rock record. Thanks!
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It appears that the LOMC phono stage of your Luxman L-505u integrated amplifier presents a non-adjustable load impedance of 100 ohms. The Benz cartridge is specified with a recommended load impedance of 400 ohms to 47K, and therefore appears to not be a good match. Not sure about the other LOMC's that have been mentioned, but compatibility with 100 ohm loading is a factor that should be considered for any LOMC candidates.

-- Al
Almarg. Thank you for your insight. Excuse my ignorance, but what does LOMC stand for? What will be the negative result of using a cartridge with a higher load impedance? Thanks to you all for your recommendations. I will continue to research MC carts and will report back when I make a decision. I will certainly educate myself on load inpedances and refine my search to MCs that match the load impedance of my Luxman L-505u MC stage.

None of the above.
Send your Virtuoso back to Soundsmith and get the alum cantilever/elliptical stylus for $150. With your arm it will outperform anything you're contemplating. I don't think the Denon 103 series is a good match. I tried an MC-20 - it's not bad although a little zippy up top and not a great tracker. If you want another cart while yours is getting fixed, consider the DL-110 or an AT-F3/III. They are $139 and $175 respectively.

Save yourself some grief. You don't know what you have till it's gone.