New AMG tt just arrived.

Wow I really was going nuts waiting for this Tabel to get here. Today I have someone coming to help set up and dial it in. It's much bigger then I remembered it being at ces. I got the black skirt and the 12 arm. I will post some thought after I get it up and running. It is such a beautiful thing to see. Will post pic on my page. I'm excited. One of the coolest things in the world to me. And to be honest the designer whom I talked to at ces believed in his Tabel so much that his love for this tt pushed me over the edge and I had to have it. Thank you Werner Roeschlau for doing what ya do.
V12 is up and running. Super black background. Music floats with definition. Still have some tweaking. When I play 180 or 200 gram records I get a little top end distortion on vocals. With the weight of tt on my hrs stand which sits on top of my Pagode rack is starting to show stress. My friend who helped me set up the Tabel is coming back in a week so this will be a good time to make rack changes. The speed adjustment buttons are really unique in that you just have to graze your finger over the top of button to make change. Motor seems strong. I can stop platter with my hand. I want too keep making adjustment and let all break in.
Today received the new ref cardas clear phono cabel. I originally ordered the amg tt with the lower end basic cabel and was going to order a synergistic research element phono. What a ref this cardis cabel is. Installed and bam things opened up. It's a keeper. I wanted to stay with the wire that the arm has. Good stuff this cardis brand is. Ima happy camper. What I enjoy the most about operating this tt is the buttons, they light up and have a nice touch to em. Took me about a week to get things sounding solid. I'm sure two more weeks an the new phono cabel will be burned in. Don't really know if anyone has the amg but if so I feel like a mini amg pro at this point. Have taken the platter off a few times used the jig to get belt back on. Will add more remarks in a week.
This week my amg v12 has changed dramatically the new arm phono cabel has opened up a bunch. Vta and anti skate has been dialed in VTF is at 1.85 and sounding about right. My impression is I'm hearing a very black background with notes that float very much in the their approach to other instruments. Low end is deep with great reach with out being flabby and bloated. Mids are very sweat and dramatic at the same time. Top end is reaching with out being compressed. Visually the all black tt with the black skirt looks real cool. Not like a oil rig in the ocean but more like a black Porsche gt3. I love this tt and highly recommend it. Was a solid purchase that I hope one day to give to my son.
Presumably you are also using a phono cartridge to achieve this level of euphoria. Can you say what that is? Phono stage?

A cartridge makes a very tiny amount of voltage and current, not enough really to "break in" a phono cable in a month or two, much less a week or two. It's likely that something else may be breaking in OR your ear/brain are becoming accustomed to the sound.

I really like the design and apparent execution of the design of that table, and I think you most likely made a wise choice.
Documentroom, Congratulations on your new table. I also have an all-black
table, though it is much more massive than the AMG. I take offense to your
"oil rig in the ocean" comment ;) I think it is purposeful industrial
design - form follows function with little added for beauty. My art-historian
friend describes it as "Victorian" looking. I do like your Porsche GT3
analogy. Beautiful car. Enjoy your new sound.