New AMG tt just arrived.

Wow I really was going nuts waiting for this Tabel to get here. Today I have someone coming to help set up and dial it in. It's much bigger then I remembered it being at ces. I got the black skirt and the 12 arm. I will post some thought after I get it up and running. It is such a beautiful thing to see. Will post pic on my page. I'm excited. One of the coolest things in the world to me. And to be honest the designer whom I talked to at ces believed in his Tabel so much that his love for this tt pushed me over the edge and I had to have it. Thank you Werner Roeschlau for doing what ya do.
Keeping this thread alive as this really is an incredible tt. I added a much better cartridge this week. Airtight pc1 supreme. Not really sure why the Benz lps was chosen to partner with this tt. However the new combo of AMG and Airtight is incredible. Really fast yet romantic with huge bass. However the real kicker is the amount of detail in the mids and highs. One more point with which I think this tt excels is dark and I mean jet black background behind the notes. Notes just pop out of thin air. Really life like in presence. Oh and the audio research ref 2 brings out the best of it all. Think I'm dune for a long time maybe even the rest of my life. That how happy I've been with my analog set up.
Congratulations on the new cartridge. I have the Supreme in an SME V-12. It is a superb cartridge. Just as you write, great detail, super fast, wonderful bass. I would add that it is very natural sounding and tonally neutral. Really great looking system.
Hay Pete man you got to keep your minis. There's not a day that go's by that I don't miss mine. It's not that they are so dam good but the way they look. You and I both don't change out our new speakers all the time like a lot of these guys. And I think it is for the better. Tho the day is coming. I'm thinking if getting the q 1 from magico and calling it a day. It's just I don't like the look compared to the mini 2. Thanks for the compliment on my system. And ya airtight is just mind blowing. So many guys have hit me up that have em. It's like a little club.
Keeping the post going. Today I changed out the amg cardias reference phono Cabel for a audioquest wel signature phono Cabel. There's a huge price difference between these two phono Cabels I bought the two meter AQ wel so it's even more when compared. When pared with the airtight supreme the wel seams to keep better pace almost as if this Cabel can keep up. I'm hearing top extension and depth that I was not achieving with the prior along with much better bass. I'm maxing out now and will I'm pretty sure this must be as good as it gets. Real happy camper.... Love my AMG
How's the airtight PC-1 supreme with the Amg after these few months? Still good?