Soundsmith Zephyr vs Dynavector 20X2 ?

Does anyone have any first hand experience with these? It is the High output MC Dynavector 20X2 I'm referring to.
The table is a VPI Scoutmaster. Thanks.
I own both carties. I also own the VPI Classic. The DV 20X2 H is my back-up carty; the Zephyr is my primary. I think the Zephyr is an all-around better sounding carty. IMHO.
Why bother with all the cliche audiophile adjectives. The Zephyr just sounds better with the VPI JMW arm. Research other threads on the Forum. Other members have expressed similar views.
I have used both in my VPI Classic. The Dynavector was very dynamic, but less refined than the Zephyr. The Zephyr recreates a deeper soundstage and is more neutral to my ears. I prefer the Zephyr on all types of acoustic music. The Dynavector gets a slight edge on loud rock, but that's all. My verdict: the Zephyr is the superior cartridge.
I have your TT with theDV20x2. Mine is the low output version, though. If your preamp has enough gain, the low output is a nice step up in SQ.