Direct drive vs belt vs rim vs idler arm

Is one TT type inherently better than another? I see the rim drive VPI praised in the forum as well as the old idler arm. I've only experienced a direct drive Denon and a belt driven VPI Classic.
The worst - by far - is idler drive, followed from DD and best is Thread Drive (when done right).
But there is a Fangroup for everything :-)
Ahhh, three posts and three opinions. Let me be the fourth post and fourth opinion.

All systems at their ultimate execution, direct drive is best. Between idler and belt they are almost perfectly split with dynamics and punch in favor of the idler and signal to noise and simplicity in favor of the belt drive.

Yes, I've owned all three, and multiple versions of each design type.

Can you give an example of a Direct Drive TT that you refer to? I'm not saying you are wrong, I just don't know of any.
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I agree with Viridian and (mostly) w/ Albert - execution is everything. I own (and have owned) all three types of decks, and I have had enjoyed some and others less so regardless of their drive type.

I would not necessarily agree with Albert that DD is the best, although I have had some DD decks that I think stack up well with the best BD and ID decks I have heard.

I will say that, IMO, the biggest downside to Idler Drive is that you will spend a lot of money and time (or more money for someone else'e time) to get a deck to sound as good as a top notch DD or BD deck. They are just more complicated machines.