AS Challenger mk 2 vs. Avid Diva 2 sp vs. Rega P9

After many hours of research i've narrowed down my next turntable to...
1-Acoustic Signature Challenger mk 2
2-Avid Diva 2 sp
3-Rega P9

Have heard the P9 mulitple times and was impressed. Frequency extension and bass slam appear to be a minor weakness with the P9. Have never heard the Diva 2 sp or any AS models. From what I have read the Avid/AS excel where the Rega P9 is deficient. I would appreciate any comments from current/previous owners or those that have had experience with these 3 turntables. FWIW i'm considering a Helius Scorpio 4 or OL Encounter tonearm on the Avid/AS, cartridge preference is a ZYX R100 for all 3.
Pani/Manitunc-Thx for your response. The Diva 2 i'm considering is the SP model. Which has a 6.3kg platter vs. 2.5kg it also adds speed control. I would never expect a basic Diva to outperform a P9.

Dayglow, it is not only the platter size but the suspension system that the Diva lacks compared to their (Avid's) established models. The Volvere has a similar suspension mechanism as the Acutus which makes it sound extremely close to the Acutus. The Acutus sounds more hefty and goes deeper in the bass but the Volvere sounds a tad more agile. However they are more or less alike sonically because they share a similar platform and build. Hope this helps.
Thanks Vortrex, your comments are much appreciated. Just to make sure, it sounds like at one point you went from an Amadeus > Amadeus GTA ?
If so, I assume all else including cartridge remained the same.
Dayglow-If you spend around 5K on the TT setup, what will you do for a phono stage. You haven't mentioned anything about owning one.
Dayglow- Sounds to me like your in nice shape. The H-1200, although no longer in production, is supposed to be a nice piece. I believe Allnic is coming out with a new entry level unit. Hopefully, you will soon have an opportunity to hear one or more of these TT setups.