AS Challenger mk 2 vs. Avid Diva 2 sp vs. Rega P9

After many hours of research i've narrowed down my next turntable to...
1-Acoustic Signature Challenger mk 2
2-Avid Diva 2 sp
3-Rega P9

Have heard the P9 mulitple times and was impressed. Frequency extension and bass slam appear to be a minor weakness with the P9. Have never heard the Diva 2 sp or any AS models. From what I have read the Avid/AS excel where the Rega P9 is deficient. I would appreciate any comments from current/previous owners or those that have had experience with these 3 turntables. FWIW i'm considering a Helius Scorpio 4 or OL Encounter tonearm on the Avid/AS, cartridge preference is a ZYX R100 for all 3.
Update-I purchased a used Rega P9 and received it today. Need to replace the mat and standard feet/belts. There are conflicting viewpoints whether a clamp or record weight is needed on a P9, any owners have an opinion?
Check Out Groovetracer on the Net. The counter weight they have will do the trick. And you can check out the subplatter and Acrylic platter they sell.These products are the finest quality upgrades out there.

Matt M
Awesome Choice!!!! I was just about to say Get the P9. Of course I own a P3/24 with all the upgrades :-) Good Spinning!!

Matt M
Hi Dayglow,
I own the AS Challenger and I think it is a good choice. I have not owned the other two but I have heard Rega RP8. I considered the Avid and the Townsend Rock 7. But the affect of mass on rotation stability and bass response swayed me to the ASC. I am not sorry about my choice. The sound is expansive and neutral. It is also super quiet. I think you would have to go a lot higher on cost to get comparable quality and performance.