Need recommendation on mono cartridge please

Recently I acquired quite a bit of mono LPs, mostly operas, classical music and a few Beatles. I think it might be fun to try mono cartrige. It will go on my Classic 3. Locally, 2 that would be readily available are Lyra or Miyajima. I would say that Lyra Kleos mono or Miyajima Kansui mono would be my upper limit. However, I think Kansui's low compliance probably would not work with JWM 10.5. I could probably burrow Kansui stereo on JWM first to see if it might work but I tried other low compliance cartridges on JWM 10.5 and did not the result very much (Koetsu Rosewood and Onyx). I already have Lyra Atlas in my system so I think something different from Lyra would be more interesting. If anything, I prefer more full body, warmer side of neutral, more emphasis on tonal color than detail if that might be of any help. MM, MI or MC would be fine. If MC, I would be using it with SUT into Lamm LP2 MM input most likely.

Thanks for any suggestion.
I also have an interest in mono carts, and it seems that there are single coil and dual coil mono carts. What are the advantages and disadvantages to each design?
Take a look at the Soundsmith line and order the one that you like in a mono configuration. You can also get the VPI 3gm headshell weight (which I did) to help those low compliance cartridges.

When I was interested to go back to mono I listened to some mono carts, in the end I bought a Lyra Helikon mono. It is a very silent cartridge, the voicing is right and it is able to show you what's all about those records.
it is really good.
I have not taken the mono plunge yet, but many speak well of the Miyajima Premium BE mono. There is a less expensive version of the same cartridge without the "BE" designation, just called the "Premium". So far as I can tell, the only difference between the two is that the BE has a black ebony body, whereas the Premium uses some other kind of ebony. This is based on info at the Miyajima website; the US distributor once wrote that there is a functional difference as well, FWIW. I don't know what to think.

There is an AT mono cartridge always available on eBay for just under $500. Might be a place to start.