>any true mono cartridge should not be used on stereo LP's as they have no vertical or up and down compliance!
I've designed mono cartridge both with and without vertical compliance, and can confidently state that the hallmark of a true mono cartridge is not in whether it has vertical compliance or not, but whether there is electrical sensitivity to vertical stylus motion or not (vertical stylus motion should result in no electrical signal output).
And if what you say is true, a true mono cartridge shouldn't be used on a mono LP either, as both stereo and mono LPs are made of the same PVC material, and the included groove wall angle is also about the same (88~90) degrees on both stereo and mono LPs.
The only meaningful difference is that the left-right wall shapes are the same for mono LPs, and different for stereo LPs. The groove may sometimes (but not always) be a little shallower on the mono LP. Although it is sometimes pointed out that a mono LP groove may be somewhat wider than a stereo LP groove, my experiments have shown that as long as the included groove wall angle remains at 88~90 degrees for both stereo and mono LPs, the groove width is a non-issue that does not affect the design of stylii for mono LPs.