SP10 MK3 recommendation

So I'm in the process of upgrading my analog set up. I just bought Albert's SP10 MK3 and I'm trying to decide on arm/cart combo. I'm freaking out a little because I don't want to make an expensive mistake.

My current arm from my last set up is a 10.5" Reed 2P. I might stay with this arm to start with, but I see a lot of 12" arms on the Technics tts so I'm not sure about the length. I'm also trying to decide on which cartridge. I'm leaning towards the Lyra Atlas or Airt Tight Supreme.

My current system is VAC Sig. IIa preamp and VAC Phi 300.1a amp. Speakers are Margules Grand Orpheus with Acuton (ceramic) drivers. SR ICs and Pranawire speaker cables.

So I'm looking for feedback about Reed arms with the SP10 tables and especially 10.5" arms.

Also looking for thoughts on synergy of Reed arms and the two cartridges mentioned above and in the context of the rest of my system.

Here's to a great (sounding) 2013 to all!

So I probably will go with my 10.5" Reed to start with. I wish I could try both but I don't see how that would be possible with out buying them both. Between the Atlas and Supreme which do you think would have better synergy with the Reed and in the context of the rest of my system? I suppose I'm probably safer going with the Supreme, but if the Reed is a warm enough arm then the Atlas would probably work great too. Still scratching my head....Oh well!
I have not heard the Air Tight. I have heard the Atlas a couple of times and like it. If you still have the Allnic Puritas you could try it. Maybe it will give you some insight on what direction you want to go.
Dear Mikeba316: I agree with Lewm, the more important subject is the tonearm/cartridge combination. On which TT?, it almost does not matters at all always that the TT be a " decent " one as your MK3.

Why do you need a new cartridge when you own the Puritas?, is something wrong with or it is only that you are whealty enough to try a new expensive one even if maybe will be a different but not really better performer that what you own?

If you want to try a different cartridge sound maybe the Colibri is a good alternative before the ones you name it here and for a lot less money.

Oh yes, the Colibri is not the " new kid on the blok " but I can tell you that those new " kids " have a very high challenge to beat the Colibri and IMHO your Reed tonearm could be a very good match for it.

In the other side and if I was you my first move could be to change the phono stage for a better non-tube ( especially with LOMC cartridges. IMHO: Phono stage is the worst place for use tubes and even worst with the ones using step-up transformers. If you decide for one of this units then it does not matters which cartridge/tonearm combination you choosed because you never know how that cartridge really performs.! ) one and please don't take for sure the advise of audio items seller. Which seller can speaks bad of what he have on sale?

The Phonolinepreamp IMHO is almost important as the cartridge/tonearm match, even more important than the TT.

You have several alternatives to improve your audio system quality performance level.

Money is always important but more important is the knowledge level on what to do and why.

Your actions IMHO must be " induced " by your specific music/sound targets/priorities and not because this or that item is the latest expensive one to " impress " other people. First than all think on what you want, think how to meet/even your references.

Well, only an opinion.

regards and enjoy the music,
Raul, There is more than one way to skin a cat. Each phono stage topology has it's pluses and minuses. SS phono stages usually employ negative feedback to achieve their low noise floor. IMO this is the worst place to employ NFB. Each to their own. Ideally everyone should listen and decide for themselves which they prefer. I have not heard every SS phono stage out there so there may be one I prefer to my Allnic H3000 but I have not found it yet. I agree that SUT's are a compromise but so is NFB.

not trying to get off topic but just replying.

Have you roled any of the tubes in your Vac? specially in the phono section? If not you should.

I've heard the Alnic, both individules you mention do have financial interest in the product and have completely different set-ups than you and just their opinion. I personally know many whom prefer other phono's over the Alnic, I prefer others such as FM Acoustic, Kondo, Boulder and lastly the Burmester to just name a few and I have no financial interest.

Burmester is getting allot of praise lately specially from owners of these other phono's and comparing, saying it's now their preference but in the end it still comes down to your own taste.

Reed, reading above Lewm appears to be very happy with his which doesn't surprise me, great arm!

If it were my choice I would go with the Atlas paired up with your current Reed, if you don't like the Atlas keep me in mind to purchase it from you. :)