Donald Fagen-Sunken Condos

Just got done listening twice to the new Donald Fagen CD "Sunken Condos". It's EXCELLENT!

Typical Fagen/Steely Dan affair, but a little more funky. Actually, it could have been a new Steely Dan album.

Yes, I am biased because Steely Dan is my favorite band, so they could probably sing the phone book and I would like it, but this really is a very good new album.

I favorite tracks are: "Good Stuff", "I'm Not The Same Without You" and "Out Of The Ghetto".

I'm still shacking my "groove thang" and the the CD has been over for awhile. This album seems to stay with you...
Note to self: The oddly insecure can be VERY sensitive to sarcasm or "Teen Wolf" soundtrack references, possibly triggering tropical partnering fantasies. "Beach Boy...get that dude his meds...he seems ominously troubled." This thread reads like a Walter Becker song.
Do you guys really think SC is a good sounding recording? I find everything, especially vocals, to have a muffled quality. The HD Trracks download is better in that regard.

So far, and I'm a huge fan of SD and DF, I find the album strong on grooves but weak, melodically. I'll see if I grows on me, though.