Donald Fagen-Sunken Condos

Just got done listening twice to the new Donald Fagen CD "Sunken Condos". It's EXCELLENT!

Typical Fagen/Steely Dan affair, but a little more funky. Actually, it could have been a new Steely Dan album.

Yes, I am biased because Steely Dan is my favorite band, so they could probably sing the phone book and I would like it, but this really is a very good new album.

I favorite tracks are: "Good Stuff", "I'm Not The Same Without You" and "Out Of The Ghetto".

I'm still shacking my "groove thang" and the the CD has been over for awhile. This album seems to stay with you...
I've also found the that last several releases from SD/WB/DF have felt a bit too familiar to get really excited about. I doubt that these guys will ever release a real flat-out dog because there's just too much talent and too much "quirkiness" on hand, but they do seem to cover the same ground a bit too often for my taste.

OTOH, I do agree with Wolf re: 11 Tracks of Whack. I've probably spent more time with that one than with anything else SD/DF/WB has released.
I think Fagen's guilty of setting the bar too high. 'Sunken Condos' is a good record, not great, and certainly not his best.

Rebbi, I'm left wondering why anyone would buy something THREE times and than profess to HATE the record?! Did you expect a different format to change your feelings about the music?
Even on a bad day the newer Fagan/Becker stuff is currently much more interesting than 99% of the crap out there, and that's all I can ask of them. Actually, I can ask of them to make more of it, as I'm sure they're hanging on my every word. I listen to Jazz and Classical most of the the time anyway so I don't care that much, although I did ask Peter Washington (Bill Charlap Trio bass player...I mixed a live show of theirs a few weeks ago) about opening for Steely Dan and he said something like, "They're brilliant but a bunch of perverts"...and that made me smile. I expect nothing less from Becker and Fagan.
I agree 101% with Wolf! There are a few of the above posters that say "it's the same old stuff"...DUH! That's why I listen to Steely Dan...I LIKE THEIR STUFF!!!

I also listen to the Eagles, the Beatles, Van Morrison, Elton John, Jackson Browne, etc. Know why? Because I LIKE THEIR STUFF! If they changed so dramatically, I wouldn't like their stuff.

That's why we all listen and like certain artists. It's not rocket science guys. If you want something different, find another artist.
I admit it required a bit of time to warm up to, but I am loving "Sunken Condos".
I like the sq on my system.
Going to put it on now!
