Shout out to Syntax - re: Delos


Thanks for your review of the Delos several years ago. I got one about a year ago based on your comments, tweaked my system a bit, and have been enjoying the resulting music immensely. My system is modest by Audiogon standards, but it must be pretty good because the Delos elevates the level of playback substantially. The cost of the Delos is a stretch for me, but it was more than worth it.

Best regards.
Having owned purchased new Benz Glider, Koetsu Urushi and Sheler 501 mkll, Lyra Helikon and Argo i cartridges, the Delos I am now using (one each for VPI Traveler and Aries 2 tables) are the finest and most natural sounding of them all. Do not tell Jonathan Carr that he could be selling these for twice the price.
The Price tag has nothing to do with real Performance. At CES 2013 you can see a modified Roksan tonearm for $3500,-- and all talk about it. Sorry, it is $35000,--, the Designer says, it can't be made cheaper, the Dealer says, yes, after listening with it, it is worth $35000,-- and some audiophiles can't sleep now ...
Yes, Syntax, there's much buzz over on WhatsBestForum about this arm. If you
have heard it, could you describe the sound on a new thread? They are
comparing it you the Phantom and reports are grim. I'm sure the OP is sleeping
well enjoying his Delos.
Not only butt ugly......but as crude and adolescent an example of machine-shop engineering one could regrettably envisage?
A 'backyard' butcher with Patek Phillipe 'price' pretensions?
Is there no limit to the patience, gullibility and endurance of the committed 'High-End' audiophile?