My Dynavector 10 X 5 Stylus fell off now what?

Hi guys my analog evening ended up with digital sound cause my DV 10X5 fell off from the cartridge on my rega P5, now I feel lost cause this is my first cartridge ever and I have no much experience with analog, just plug and spin my records but now I will need some advice, please do, thanks to audiogone i can share the nightmare almost at the same time did happen.
thank you all.
I would look for a used replacement. You should be able to find one at a reasonable price. I've heard that DV does have issues with the stylus. I have the same cartridge but haven't experienced any quality issues yet. Although, last night, I thought it was toast when I accidentally knocked the tonearm across the vinyl. Aside from the piercing screech of the stylus gliding across the LP, a visual inspection under the magnifying lens showed the stylus was still intact without any obvious signs of damage. Good luck. Soundsmith does good work I'm told.
Either move up to the 20 series, or get another type of cart. 10x5's are garbage. Sound is ok, but a 20 series will last longer than 2 10x5's making it a cheaper buy. The 10x5 cantilevers suck.
I wouldn't exactly call the 10X5 garbage, but I do agree that this may be a good time to look at a 20X or something else like a Ortophon Black. Yes, it is money, but, go ahead, live a little. Maybe you are lucky, forced to upgrade against your will. It's only pennies a play. If money is really tight right now though, the Audio Technica 150MLX which is discounted on the 'net might fill in nicely. Don't let the low price fool you, it's the real deal.
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