Is DSD download already an extinct format?

I recently purchased a Benchmark DAC 2 which supports DSD decoding following an article from Robert Hartley indicating that Sony would release all of its music catalog in DSD download format. As of today, there are only 358 DSD downloads available from Acoustic Sounds. On average the DSD downloads is music that is 30-45 years know the same stuff you already own in CD, DVD-audio, SACD. Just getting tired of purchasing Getz/Gilberto in all formats.

Record companies, please give us the new music in Hi-rez format rigth off the bat and stop giving us the better resolution years later!
Really do not know what you are talking about. I have about 3000 vinyl records and 5000 + ripped CDs and down loads. 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's and through today. I have missed nothing. When I say skipped CDs did not mean music meant CD players. Never bought an expensive or "high end" one. I am about the music unlike many. But I will say for my taste there is almost NO native DSD to listen to. Not into,
Classical Crossover
Independent Acoustic
Traditional Chinese
Listen to some jazz not sure what independent acoustic is, but other then that,
Nothing there for me. If that is what you mean, well to each their own.
Pkoegz, I'm not sure I understand your response to Tomcy6. There seems to be a real disconnect between what he said and your post. Are you angry about something?

As far as Sony and DSD, perhaps they made a premature announcement or changed their direction as they definitely seem to have fallen short. Maybe that's why the OP wondered about the viability of DSD.
I'm not up on the latest and greatest digital, but understand how this can all be frustrating. That's why I concentrate on vinyl.... Not only does it sound great, but it has stood the test of time.

The Teac 501 player looked interesting though. It could be a painless entry back in to digital. Well built, well reviewed, and selling on some dealer websites for $799 US. I have a few hundred CD's, and am just looking for a way to play them. I don't plan on diving back in to it. Just a relatively inexpensive player that has a nice tonality.
Until DSD recordings in every genre are widely available, I believe the whole point is moot. If there is no music, why would anyone need a DSD capable player? SACD had great promise, but there wasn't enough music. If the overwhelming majority of the music I like isn't available on DSD, there is no point in getting a player for the format. I'd love to get going with DSD, but until they get the music on DSD, I'm happy with cd and vinyl.
Not angry in the least. Just pointing out that I chose not to spend on a first class cd set up because I saw its demise coming for some time. Sold all my cd's because what's the point once ripped and backed up. Also I did not miss out on music but was very much involved in its listening and collecting. As far as the balance of my statement I was making the point that Native DSD's issue for me, is it's content. As far as music servers go, I did invest in the state of the art for around $3200 plus the dac. I am not a computer geek just do my research. The server is easy to use. The highest quality of digital sound possible with unbelievable access. Those who argue not ready for prime time aren't doing their home work. A good server, set up properly, with a good dac, can not be beat. My opinion. So if you wish to sit on the side line waiting for that all in one box, which in my opinion, will neither give you the best sound nor the most flexibility, their out there. In my opinion in the end you will be disgruntled which will reinforce your view of CA for all the wrong reasons. If you are interested in my findings email me and I will gladly respond. Either way I hold no grudge or animosity against anyone on these boards. To each their own. p.kogan