Lyra Delos

I currently have a VPI Classic with a Benz Glider S and all Manley electronics- Chinook Phono, Jumbo Shrimp Pre and Snapper Monos. I am really enjoying this system, but sometimems find myslef looking for a little more detail and treble extension and a little tighter on the bottom end. From what I have been reading, the Lyra Delos might give me what I am looking for; has anyone ever compared these two cartridges? Are there any other cartridges I should also consider in the Delos price range?
I haven't owned a Glider in over 10 years, so it's quite a while for me to go on memory. Also, I have never heard the Delos, but I have owned a Helikon. The Helikon is probably the fastest, tightest cartridge I ever owned, though I would say it was a bit too lean for my tastes. You say that you are looking for "a little more" detail and extension, I would think the Lyra would give you a LOT more.....though this may or may not suit your tastes.

Another cartridge to consider is a Dynavector XX mk II.
Lyra Helikon is a great cartridge. Some think, newer is always better, but that one was (is) really good. It has a superb overall tonal Balance. Delos is good, Zyx are also very interesting, they are uncritical to Arms and the Fuji RS is really hard to beat for the money...
I use a Delos with a VPI Traveler and all other components are the same as yours for the electronics and the result is very satisfying with much detail,depth and warmth.
I've been using a Lyra Delos on my VPI Classic 1 for the past several months and I couldn't be happier, I can't believe how much more life the music has. I was previously using a Dynavector 17d3, I fine cart itself, but the Lyra Delos just takes everything to another level altogether. Records that I previously found dull and uninvolving are now much more listenable and musical. The Delos just seems to liberate the music from the grooves and reveals what's really in the recording.
Thanks for the feedback from all; I decided to go ahead and purchase the Delos; I will post my impressions after I have some hours on it and provide some comparison to the Benz Glider S.