Most important vinyl component to upgrade first ?

1. Phono Pre
2. Cables
3. Table
4. Arm
5. Cart

I would like to speak in generalities if possible, so
I'm not going to refer to my own equipment, maybe later
on in the thread, or a different thread.

In my opinion, I would say the transducer, which is
the cartridge. ( I feel the same about the other system
transducer, the speakers.)

So, as a generality, is it safe to say (if you agree with
my choice) that it would make the most audible difference
to upgrade your cart first ? I hope not to make this a
loaded question, what I mean is: what component do you
think would be most important soundwise, therefore what
would you upgrade first ?
good point. I thought about it when I read the list. From my experience the majority of Arms (inside) is far away from its possibilities based on their cheap, average cable inside. For example, a cheap Rega Arm can show very good results when it will be rewired, you can simply get the most out of it with such a modification. When all is done to get the best out of any Arm, then it makes sense to go ahead (not everyone can afford everything but when you have something which can really deliver what is possible from its design, it can be absolutely fine). Various SME Arms are another example for internal wiring.
Some Arms have good wire inside (Graham for example), here it makes sense to link a top cable from its connector to the Phono input.
Or another example, when you work with Headshells, most are delivered with very cheap leads. When you replace those with top leads, silver or copper, you hear immediately the difference, for a small investment about 35-60$. The cartridge signal is so fragile, you can't improve it, but a lot can be done to degrade it.
Dear Noslepums: I don't know if you still own the Clearaudio Accurate, SP-10, SME V, Linto phonostage, Bryston amps and DYS speakers.

I know very well all those items but the Linto phono stage.

The SP-10 is IMHO a very respectable TT especialy in nude/naked version ( with out plinth. ) but needs a good TT mat. The Accurate is a good cartridge but not the best match with the V tonearm and not because resonance frequency in between but because other kind of interactions/distortions generated in between. Bryston amps are very good units.

According with Linto owners and Atkinson measurements the Linto is very good performer with the drawback that can't accept the MM/MI alternative that despite what Syntax posted ( IMHO in that topic he really talk with no facts that could serve as foundation on his remarks. IMHO any kind of cartridge deserve the best at phono stage to can shows at its best. ) is always a welcomed alternative.

So what I do it if I was you is to go for a different tonearm to achieve better Accurate performance and from there you could move a head on the other analog links to fulfil your overall music sound reproduction targets.

IMHO what defines where to start a system up grade is the system it self and for any one of us not be sure which your system set up has no real sense to give advise. There is no rules on up grade in any audio system.

If you share your system items you could have more precise answers that could help you in betetr ways.

Regards and enjoy the music,
What component do you think would be most important soundwise, therefore what would you upgrade first?

Yes, that is correct. :D
If the table doesn't spin at the correct speed and induces rumble in the playback, do you really want to hear that reproduced precisely while you wait to upgrade the other pieces?

On the other hand, if you build a solid foundation on a good turntable, it will produce music and will only be diluted by the weak links in the chain.

Purchase the best you can afford at the beginning (research carefully, first). It will save you the cost of trading up later (involving time and money).