Dear Syntax,
I appreciate your kind feedback. Clearly you are interested in increasing knowledge and capability. That was a Lyra "gorefest" you had on display there(!)
This Thread has given me pause for thought even in my comparisons of turntable mats. Although I always accurately compensate for VTA and therefore ensured the VTF was consistent, I've never adjusted for slight differences in WEIGHT, however marginal they might be.
It also triggers thoughts of -
- Different vinyl weights effect on speed.
- Mat drag or lack of it. (Some mats have shiny low friction surfaces. Not using a clamp for each may level the playing field but disadvantages certain mats.)
- Need for a clamp or not, and its weight.
- My Keystrobe disc's weight may encouraged wrong active setting.
The Au strobe disc I use is similar to a double-sided etched printed circuit, but it is quite a heavy material. Because it is label sized it can be easily used while playing the LP entirely. I don't think a high torque motor arrangement is likely to worry too much. I would have reservations about designs that use minimal torque (that need manual startup assist) and then ride the borderline of the limits of tolerance? :(
Keystrobe link here :