Project Xtension 12 or VPI Classic 3

I am looking to get into vinyl and am a bit of a novice.
I have demo'd vinyl and loved the sound compared to digital.
I am considering 2 turntable / cartridge options at this time.
A Project 12 xtension with a Sumiko Celebration 2 Cartridge and a VPI Classic 3 with an Ortofon Cadenza Black Cartridge.
Is the VPI / Ortofon that much better?
I don't have the opportunity to demo that combination but have read great reviews.
Is it worth the addional cost?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I currently have Cremona M's, Conrad Johnson ET3 SE with Phono and Cary 500 MB Mono Blocks and my current source is a an Oppo 95
+ 1 on that JMCgrogan2. You just can't throw money at this hobby and expect good sound. Let me just leave it at that!
Jmcgrogan2 there were some truth in your statement like mine. If you need a two person and a blind test to understand extension vs classic 3 i consider this is a lack of experience. If you cannot decide a continuum caliburn or airforce one is better, thats the time when your statement has truth. Some components are not in the same league for lots of reasons, some components are in the same league and yes better is very subjective.

Also this hobby is very dependent on money. Yes you may not get the best result throwing money around, but you cannot get best result with 500 usd.

Many things can be spoken about this hobby, many statements and counter arguments can be made, but the result is same, classic3 is better then extension.
Altanpsx, so you do have some understanding of the subjectiveness in this hobby, that is a start. We are not discussing a Continuum Caliburn versus an entry level Rega table here, or I may agree with your statement that better is simply better.

We are discussing a $4K Project table versus a $6K VPI table, which ARE in the same league (unless you have some blatant personal bias towards one brand). So obviously, "better" will lie in the ear of the beholder in this regard.
Jmcgrogan2 i wish u a very happy new year. I am old enough to avoid meaningless arguments. If you say that better lie in a subjective devision, so be it. But really consider 4 vs 6 means %50 different, which is a mathemetical fact. But if u say it is subjective, also fine. I wish u a pleasent 2014....
Happy 2014 to you too Altanpsx! BTW, I love your system! I'll bet that ZYX UNIverse II sounds great!! Is it the copper version? Enjoy the music. :)