TW Acustic Turntable Mat

From Highwater Sounds Facebook page, Jeff Catalano posted a pic of the new TW Acustic turntable mat - sourced from Japan. It looks pretty substantial. I can always email Jeff on info, but hate to bother him about a turntable mat. Anyone else have any info or cost on this new mat?
i have used a matt for 3 weeks and tried with both an ortofon per winfeld as well as a lyra skala and can report significant improvement in background silence,image stability and a small improvement in clarity across the frequency spectrumÂ…this is a worthwhile improvement to my ac-3 tw t/table
I have a Raven one and I have one on order. I will post my findings as soon as I get the mat in my table. From feedback here I believe this mat will take things to the next level.
I've had one on my Raven One for a few weeks now. Really like what I hear, bit frustrating as it forced me through adjusting my XV-1s settings again. At first it was a shift in sound, darker richer but after adjusting my settings it was like a preamp upgrade, lower noise floor, more relaxed, blacker backgrounds, richer tones, same level of detail just presented more naturally. I figured it made sense because in theory the Raven One is the most compromised TT in the TW lineup so it potentially had the most to gain. The improvements are not subjective and are noticeable across even every record I have spun.