The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Guys, I believe all of you. Years ago I heard some Maggies at my dealer (funny as four of the dealers I've spent a lot of money at have sold them, and they sounded good. They were driven by Krell KSA 250 I think it was. All Krell and top the line MIT cables. I still liked the Proac Response 4's better. I have only recently heard ribbons that I like too. It's just my ear I guess. The new Proacs with ribbons have sounded awesome with top tube gear and top analog and I liked some of the Legacy speakers with ribbons, but hated the model before them. I liked the large Clearwave Speakers I heard too and those are the top of the line RAAL tweeters.

I totally agree with you guys on matching things. It's the same way with my Vandersteen Treo's or my for sale Proac speakers....or anything else out there. I've always realized who important electronics are. Most don't get it. They just think it's the speakers, but everything is so important. The thing is that if I hear something set up at a dealer it should be sounding close to it's best. How can they sell if it isn't? Should it sound better in your home? Hopefully, unless they have special rooms set up etc... Some do and some don't. I was at Audio Connections a few months ago and John had the newer Maggies set up with Ayre gear (the smaller panels) and I was amazed. They really did sound great for their price and size. They had a sub with them and I usually hate subs, but it integrated well. John knows how to set things up and sell them too. That said, as soon as we set up the Vandersteen 2's with the same gear it sounded better to me overall. Just more musical and cleaner. I think sometimes the back wave of the panels somehow smear things for me at times. I'm just very sensitive to something that others aren't. I have found many many speakers that are loved and raved about fatiguing. I'm also sensitive to phase and have found that many folks systems are out of phase and it's an easy fix. Again, there is a reason there are so many choices....I fully respect that others hear things differently than I do and visa versa. That's why I love hearing folks thoughts on components. Thanks.
Only one pair has ever stood out through the years for me and left a lasting impression. Sonus Faber extremas. Massive soundstage from pint sized cabs which really did bass well, genuinely well. This from when Sonus were really Sonus and engineered speakers uniquely.
They weren't the fashion victim marketing led curvaceous eye-candy of today, which I suspect is responsible for more of their sales than how they actually sound.

The Exremas impressed with their transient speed, their lovely voicing (no pipe and slippers there), holographic like imaging and large soundstage. They really were capable of disappearing and leaving a musical stage of large proportions in front of you. Worked really well near field too.

I now design loudspeakers for a living but would still love to have a pair of Sonus Fabers Extremas on my audio bucket list.
Doesn’t the “best we’ve heard” depend heavily on when we heard it? When it is outside our control and comparison. When there is some sea change in our assumptions and perceptions where words fail us. For me, it was a pair of KLH Model 5’s driven by a stack of McIntosh tubes. I was just walking down the mall, passed by the storefront, and was captured by a tractor beam, unable to resist the pull. A similar experience came with Apogee Stages driven by the original VAC PA-90’s. I’m sure there were better, just as there are prettier girls, but love is a unique and wonderful response.
JBL 4319, custom tuned by Keyeso Nigurava.
Real wood, Asymmetrical ports diameter, 27Hz - 40Khz, 92.5db.
Internal wiring, Cardas Gold. Listened accompanied with the Pathos InPol amplifier.
I did enjoy the largest Apogees back in the day. My dealer then LOVED them and made sure they had their own room and the highest end ARC ref gear with MIT cables 'tuned' for the system by Bruce Brisson himself. They were pretty darn good from what I remember.

I too loved those Extrema's. I haven't heard the new ones but I don't love the new Sonus speakers. I just loved the sound of their older speakers back in the day and they look was WOW.....