Got an LP cleaner you want to make money on?

The subject has come up about cleaning vinyl LPs and how expensive some of the effective LP cleaners are out there. Usually out of the monetary reach of the average vinyl player who still would like to listen to clean, quiet LPs on their turntables.

I was wondering, since many of the members here may own such equipment, whether there might be a chance to connect through Audiogon some of the owners of these cleaners who may be willing to offer their use, for a price of course, with the vinyl lovers in their particular area.

At least they could recoup some of the cost and at the same time help out others of like interests, namely enjoying listening to LPs with the least amount of pops and snaps..

What do you think? Would you owners of such equipment be interested such a service?
Congratulations on your upcoming VPI 16.5 purchase. Are we to expect you'll be offering it's services for others in your area?

Just curious.

How many people here personally own LP cleaners?

How many also bought $600-$2000 LP cleaners when you bought your turntables?

How many people still have stores that sell vinyl in their area?

And how many of those stores offer to clean LP's?
I purchased a Nitty Gritty 1.5Fi about 3 years after getting into this hobby.
Then went to a VPI 16.5 about 6 years ago(soon to be for sale).
Just purchased the Audio Desk and it is the easiest and best record cleaner I have ever used. The records look brand new after cleaning with the machine. The records sound better even if they were cleaned prior with the VPI.

The only issue I can see about cleaning records for people is if the records get damaged in shipping. I get damaged records from web dealers they can replace them, I cannot and will not.
It's pretty much settled science that sealed records should be properly cleaned before playing if you have a worthwhile system. After paying close to $800 for my first 2m Black I have been a little more fussy about this practice. DougDeacon explained it very well.
Now I don't want to start a great big argument, but I have an old American Optical/Reichert Stereo Star Zoom 0.7X to 4.2X scope and am able to actually see right down into the actual grooves of an LP.

I also have a brand new pressing of Carol Kings Tapestry (yes, I'm an old fart). Let's just say after looking at it under the scope right out of the sleeve for the first time, claims that even a brand new LP's grooves are full of junk are shall we say slightly over exaggerated.. I see nothing that shouldn't be there. Clean, pristine wiggles cut into the vinyl.

HOWEVER! Even after a couple very careful playings, what looks to the naked eye as a still clean LP under the scope starts to look a little scary. If anything this would make me clean them maybe a little more often than I normally would..

So... There's another piece of actual, first hand, with my own eyes, information to chew on.