The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
JBL 4319, custom tuned by Keyeso Nigurava.
Real wood, Asymmetrical ports diameter, 27Hz - 40Khz, 92.5db.
Internal wiring, Cardas Gold. Listened accompanied with the Pathos InPol amplifier.
I did enjoy the largest Apogees back in the day. My dealer then LOVED them and made sure they had their own room and the highest end ARC ref gear with MIT cables 'tuned' for the system by Bruce Brisson himself. They were pretty darn good from what I remember.

I too loved those Extrema's. I haven't heard the new ones but I don't love the new Sonus speakers. I just loved the sound of their older speakers back in the day and they look was WOW.....
Indeed Mr.Adsal,the Wamm 7 were most probably the Reference of references in Wilsons whole lineup of loudspeakers!
I would vouch to say that even the Alexadria's pale in comparision.This was a limited edition that Wilson made at the time.
And at 250k a pair back 20 yrs was a heck of lot of $$,if were to compare it to todays market.

I can only think of two other companies offhand that are most definately in a leage of their own.

1st is MBL top of line.Unquestionably considered by the toughest of critics to be one the best systems ever.

2nd would have to be without any reservation whatsoever who have to be Goldmund.This along with MBL are handcrafted
and could definately leave the most descriminating audiophile speachless!