Where to improve phono chain?

My current system consists of Nola Baby Grands, A. Research Ref. 150 amp and A. Research Ref. 5 preamp, Tom Evans Micro Groove phono preamp, SME V arm, SOTA Cosmos table and recently re-tipped Jeff Rowland cartridge.

My musical preferences range from opera to jazz to rock.

I'd like to improve the phono section of this chain, but I'm not sure where to begin. My initial suspects are the Tom Evans phono-pre, or the Rowland stylus.

Any thought/opinions on this will be appreciated.

Thanks, Shaq
Since the Ikeda/Rowland cartridge works wonderfully in the damped SME arm, I would look else where. However:

How was your Complement before it was re-tipped - I mean, when it was performing correctly? Who did the work since Mr. Ikeda is the late Ikeda-san? Someone trained by him? The last version of Ikeda cartridges are not a Decca-type design but a conventional cantilever.

Try mounting your turntable in another room on structural studs. Put the phono preamp in that room and run lines from it into the preamp. If you can run balanced all the better.

I don't know anything about your Tom Evans or your speakers but I would contact ARC and see what they recommend. I personally would use a Pass Labs phono pre-amp since they have the least noise compared to tubes. You might find using the Pass into the ARC a quiet revelation. Oh, and get a VPI or other record cleaning machine!
I looked into the Tom Evans design. I appreciate his insistence on proper low noise mains regulation. I'm glad it is solid state.

His design has too many stages for me. The Pass uses a patented balanced very simple topology to cancel out noise, as well as discrete devices, great regulation, balanced/SE outputs and loading flexibility. I'd audition some other options before dumping the cartridge.
Shaq ...

Don't overlook your turntable belt. Get a custom belt from Originlive in the UK. Huge improvement with my Well Tempered table. Here's the link:


Happy listening ...
How much are you spending Shaq? What is it that you want from your front end - more musical sound - or is it higher resolution.
If it's being more 'musical' then consider an EAR 834P for instance (good value and very musical)
I am told the Rowland is a good cartridge - so a retip/cantilever is a good idea - Soundmith in the US and Northern Analogue (I think) UK are good at tipping etc.
I tried a microgroove and found it enthusiastic and energetic - if that is what you like go for 'the groove' or try the Naim phono stage