Basis Audio Super Arm 9

Seeing a few posts on this amazing tonearm. Just installed my Super Arm 9 on my Debut table... Loving it!
Buy one before it goes up again! I'll stick with the Vector for now. Once you get into that amount of money, it's a difficult decision to figure out how to best spend $15K upgrading. New cartridge, new cables, new phono preamp - new speakers? Or the new arm.
A customer just ordered a Kuzma 4Point to replace his Phantom II, to be mounted on his Basis Debut with a custom adapter I designed. Can't wait for his reaction and figure he'll be losing a lot of sleep :)
Randy Cooley of Optimal Enchantment in Santa Monica is bringing my Basis Super Arm 9 out for installation this Friday. My table is a Basis Debut (fully loaded), electronics is Aesthetix IO, and Atlas Sig monos plus the wonderful
Vandersteen Model 7 speakers. The Atlas mono blocs have high grade teflon caps in the high pass filter which stays charged at all times in stand- by mode thus, I don't need the outboard HP filter. Thanks to Jwm for helping to make me little light on cash this month/year. Those who know at the Newport Show said this is the best arm on the planet and that the arm/ cartridge is actually more important than the TT. I am very excited about this upgrade.
Chargerfan, I don't feel guilty because I know you will be thanking me and will be in sonic bliss for a long time. The best Jeff