Audio Technica ART9 cartridge

Has anyone heard it ? I am looking to move from a AT33 PTG to an ART9. There are hardly any reviews of the ART9. Can anyone suggest about its performance ?
I'm a fan of AT cartridges beautifully balanced and musical, not familiar with the Delos.
Hi Pani,
Sorry, I missed your question, I don't get email replies forwarded to my account.

Right not I have AT ML170 and the AT33PTG/II set up on a table, but I have other AT cartridges sitting in the cabinet waiting their turn.

I use a ATOC9 MKIII. I love the cartridge and its amazing on mono records too.
Anyone have an update on their experience with the ART 9? Still loving my ATOC9MLII but am wondering what the ART 9 might bring to my system.