The issue of lowballing... What does that mean?

I LOVE Audiogon. I have purchased and sold many items here and it is a wonderful resource for audio nuts of every variety. Big solid state, tubes, analog, vinyl? Sure it all goes.

So I see posts that are make offer but the seller says "lowballers" will be ignored, vilified, cursed and cussed. So why have a make offer sale? Something is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. It doesn't matter what you paid for it, or how much you love it. And why be upset? Declining requires one mouse click. Countering maybe five or six clicks or keystrokes. Just curious as this is a commerce site.

I have received offers that seemed really low to me, but I am still happy to have interest and I always counter offer. I recently sold a Clearaudio TT for a lot less than I thought it was worth. But all the offers were low and I had to rethink my view. It ultimately sold as a real bargin but I'm happy and so is the buyer.

Your thoughts?
If this forum is as you call it, a "joke", Why do you bother to respond? BTW what does retiring at 49 have to do with anything here? If you have the time to post on this "silly blog" maybe you should go back to work!?
You have wasted more time commenting on this issue than you would have ignoring 100 "lowball" offers.
Sebrof, get real. People that can't afford food aren't even on this site. Food is not a material item. I'm talking about dealing fairly with others. Go ahead, try to find one complaint here or on ebay with anyone I've ever bought from or sold to. Well, find any? You're just another complainer that can't stand anyone having something nicer than you have. If something is worth 800.00 I'll pay 800.00 if it's worth 1000.00 I'll pay 1000.00 if I don't feel the deal is worth it I simply move on. Maybe you (and a few other SPECIAL people on here) think you should only pay 175.00 for the 800.00 and 1000.00 items. It's your business if you want to be a lowballer (BUM) just don't bother me with it.
Zydo, thanks for being intelligent enough to understand. I've donated several items (not just electronics) to Childrens Hospitals when I couldn't get a fair offer on what I was selling. I may not have gotten anything by turning down lowballers, but a smile on someones face that has less than me means more. I'm far from rich, but I do what I can. Still, there are going to be a few out there that think I have issues. That's ok, I wish them no harm. Now, pay up or move to the back of the line.
Bg1968, you are the first prospect I've ever lost, and have every right not to buy from me. Sorry, but I never sell at lowball bum prices anyway, however if I ever do, you'll be the first to know. The lowball price will be firm though.
04-14-13: Polk432
Sebrof, get real. People that can't afford food aren't even on this site.
I never said anything about food.

My only point is that your assumption (the only reason a person would offer to buy at a low price is because he cannot afford the item) is wrong.