Audio Research VT100 MKll Stays on

Was hoping somebody here might be able to help me I have a Audio Research VT100 MKll that stays on and wont turn off I have it plugged into one of the switched outlets on my power conditioner and I'm just turning it on and off that way but I've replaced the switch twice which both times worked for a while and then the same thing I removed the switch completely and plugged it in and sure enough it came on even without the switch I don't see anything obviously wrong with it so was hoping somebody with some technical experience might be able to tell me what to check
Thank You
Are you using the 12v trigger in the back? If so, that's probably causing the problem.
It is the switch on the amplifier that I replaced and its not plugged in to a 12v trigger just the switched outlet on the conditioner as I said with the switch completely removed and plugged into a different outlet I still have power I have also check the switch with an ohm meter and it tested fine so I know it has nothing to do with the switch
Thank You
If that's not switch than there must be capacitor-relay issue.
The capacitor-relay is usually implemented to prevent from shock. The switch connects to low-voltage circuit that engages the high voltage circuit.
Plugging and un-plugging your amp is much better solution than keeping it on all the time.
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