The issue of lowballing... What does that mean?

I LOVE Audiogon. I have purchased and sold many items here and it is a wonderful resource for audio nuts of every variety. Big solid state, tubes, analog, vinyl? Sure it all goes.

So I see posts that are make offer but the seller says "lowballers" will be ignored, vilified, cursed and cussed. So why have a make offer sale? Something is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. It doesn't matter what you paid for it, or how much you love it. And why be upset? Declining requires one mouse click. Countering maybe five or six clicks or keystrokes. Just curious as this is a commerce site.

I have received offers that seemed really low to me, but I am still happy to have interest and I always counter offer. I recently sold a Clearaudio TT for a lot less than I thought it was worth. But all the offers were low and I had to rethink my view. It ultimately sold as a real bargin but I'm happy and so is the buyer.

Your thoughts?
I am in total agreement with your post. The problem arises when you try to define a lowball offer. Take Polk432 for example, to him making an offer of 8-10% less than asking price is "lowballing" My offers usually start at 25-30% less than asking price and work up from there. I consider it the art of negotiating.
What makes you think I do not "have the means?"
"Orelayer, compared to you I am a Genius" Do you walk sideways through doors?
If you had the means you wouldn't lowball. No I don't walk sideways through doors, but I could probably follow you into a revolving door and come out ahead of you. I'm ok with a lower offer on a make offer, just not buy it now. Look for an auction if you're looking for something less, just don't get into a bidding war.
I have 665 transactions on ebay without a complaint and 40 on this site....big deal. What does that prove? Using your logic, it means "I know how to deal fairly with good people and not let a lowballer take advantage of me." Whah...that bum offered me to little! He must be out to rip me off. That bad man is trying to take advantage of poor little me.
I'm not poor or little. As long as you don't have to cheat someone you're ok. I've never had a lowballer take advantage of me because nothing I ever sell is a fire sale. I'd never be stupid enought to have a lowball bum take advantage of me either. If you enjoy catering to lowballers then great. I just happen to be above it, that's all. Get well soon Orelayer.