Do I keep the Oracle Delphi IV/V?

I have an Oracle Delphi Mk IV/V upgraded from Delphi II with custom power supply built by Conrad Johnson engineer, with Morch UP-4 arm. Delphi needs new belt, possibly new suspension and complete tune-up. I also find the Morch UP-4 problematic, in turns of cartridge set-up, and want to replace it.
Question, will turntables such as the Rega RP10 or Orign Live Illustrious with Encounter Mk111c arm have comparable sound to the Oracle, UP-4 combo?

Thank you!
I'm using a Graham 2.2 arm on a modified Oracle Delphi II and it is super. The newer Graham arms, however, may be too heavy for a suspended table.
Keep that table ,if you replaced it you would kick yourself,. Save up for a great isolation platform like the Vibraplane
Hi Oldears,

I'm currently using a Phantom on my Oracle without any problem.

Yes,oracle tt are excellent. Keep your eye open for a sumiko mdc 800,you'll be surprised how good that combo will be.
I own an Oracle Delphi Mark V Anniversary (Gold) Edition T~T. It has the Black African Granite Base added.. I use a Graham 1.5 tone arm & a Benz Micro Ely's cartridge. Now! that's a pretty good cats meow... Oracle is as good as there is.. Never think twice about going else where...

Happy Spinning
The Chops...