Advice - What turntable should I buy ???

Finally looking to buy a turntable to complete my system and to allow me to resurrect some old vinyl and to selectively buy some new vinyl as needed. I am not an avid audiophile but know just about enough to be dangerous and am interested to receive feedback from experienced folks who can assist me narrowing my search. I am confused on what I actually need as I read references to turntable , cartridges, tone arm, power supplies etc..
I have total budget $1000-1500max for a used low hrs unit that is complete and ready to connect to my system. I sometimes see these threads used as an avenue to ding various makes and systems etc.. but please don't respond with negativity as I know what sound I enjoy and am keen to hear only positive advice on turntables to supplement my system which I know is not everybodies taste (I listed items only to indicate my type of preference). Majority listening will still reside with my CD and music dvd/blu-rays.
Oppo 105D universal player; Conrad Johnson MET-1 5.1 tube pre-amp (Teflon caps); C-J MET-150 5-channel hybrid tube amp, Cardas Hexlink/Quadlink RCA interconnects; Dali Helicon 400 fronts/300 rears/200 center. Many tks in advance of positive advice
Check out SoundStage Direct. VPI Scout Jr with Ortofon Red cartridge,$1500.
Townshend Elite Rock. Buy yourself a new drive belt, and a two phase power supply - it will get you so close to the very best out there
Be bold, go to 'U-Turn Audio' web site. Buy one of their units. Enjoy, and save most of your dollars for other tings more important.
Thanks again for additional comments - to the question of where do I live. I live in Houston area. Anyone know of any places around Houston to demo ? A quick search reveals nothing so will likely require to check Austin or Dallas.