Where to find uni din protractor

Hi all, anyone has any idea where to purchse Uni Din
protractors for not too much coin?
Nandric you seem determined to justify the unjustifiable,are you Dietrics lawyer.
EssentialA, yikes...you should get out more; Mike's story is well documented and it is available to you.

Nandy, I always do love your effort. Again, you are, as usual, nonsensical while clearly personifying "artificial" intelligence.

In the meantime:

If you are wanting a real Quality, Superior, Better-Made, Better-Designed, and Better-Results designed alignment Dennison Device...look no further than Nerve Audio. It is a much better protractor and is a quality USA made product...save a bunch, better alignment, and Peace-of-Mind, all for around
$179.00. Also, no affiliation, just a fan of great performance and wonderful business practices.

Dear Unoear,
I am neither a defender nor an attacker of Dertonearm. I am only here to say that my one deal with him went off without a hitch, and the product is of a quality and completeness to justify its high price.

But on another level, your recent posts confuse me. You refer to someone named "Mike" whom you say was cheated by Daniel out of thousands of dollars. I don't know who Mike is, except I can only guess it might be Mike L, a good person who resides in the Northwest of the US, well known to some of us. If it's THAT Mike to whom you refer, then I seem to recall another story that does not fit with your current attitude toward Daniel; did you not purchase a very rare and expensive air bearing turntable from Mike L? And did you not then find fault with its operation, not a mere glitch, but a claim that it was fundamentally and irretrievably flawed, such that Mike L was eventually forced to buy it back from you? And were not Dertonearm and Syntax among your defenders or your allies in that instance??? So what happened after that to turn you against DT? Or am I completely off base? If so, sorry.
I had purchased a Da Vinci Grandezza Grand Reference tonearm, and then a first issue Uni-Protractor directly from Dertonarm, through here.
He had delivered %100 percent to me. A Perfect transaction.
"I am sure that if you wish to experiment without spending a lot, it would be possible to use the free Chpratz protractor from VE."

Are you familiar with Chpratz? It's a straight line from the spindle with a calibrated grid the whole way. Uni-Din nulls are 63.3 and 112.5mm. Here are alignment error curves:

Maybe the alignment could come in handy if there's not enough headshell slot length to use one of the Lofgren alignments? Alignment error seems particularly noticeable (to me) at the beginning, and uni-din is the worst there of all standard alignments.
