favorite phono cartridge

I am just curious...if you had to live with just one phono cartridge the rest of your life, what would it be?
I've had several carts. Currently using my favorite, an AT OC9/II. I;ve tried a few others including a Lyra Clavis da Capo. I just like the OC9/II the best. Works exceptional well with a Herron VTPH-2.
Clearaudio Insider Reference Wood - Has beat every cartridge I have used in 50 years.
FWIW - I have never spent more than $4K for a cartridge, so I cannot compare to those more exotic models.
There is no reasonable answer for this question. Each and every cartridge has its own merits. Also each an every system has its own weak/strong points. Last of all each and every one of us has own taste.

If everything is neutral, which i mean system and user and we only decide for the cartridge, i beleive who owns a neutral system has a neutral taste and try to find the best possible neutral cartridge in his/her budget, and if we are talking about cost no object, zyx universe 2, lyra atlas can be relativley considered neutral.
zyx UNIverse. I am on the second iteration after many years with the first. Fits my style in musical taste and system very well.