Herron M1-1A monobocks, what do you think?

Hi, I am trying to get a feel for and as much information as possible about these amps. Any users, regardless of complete Herron systems or not. I own a VTSP3A preamp and VTPH2 phono.
Also, break-in time required, and other particularities.

Thank you.
I use the Vibrapod cones under the VTPH-2 and VTSP-3Ar02 chassis pointing up. I have not removed the stock feet. Biggest improvement came with the phono stage but the pre-amp was better, too.

The Vibrapod cones are free standing, no studs coming out of them. I do not use them on top of Vibrapod discs. I just haven't tried that configuration so I can't judge the difference. But at the cost of Vibrapods, the experiment is certainly inexpensive.

I've spoken with Keith about the Vibrapod cones but can't recall the conversation except that he was cautious about making any suggestion or endorsement.

I would not try to thread anything into the spot where the stock feet are attached in Herron electronics. Check with Keith Herron first as there is very little clearance between the circuit board and the chassis. I do recall Keith saying something about that.

Under any circumstances, I'd still check with Keith to get his latest opinion.
Herron equipment is outstanding. The diligence Keith puts into his work is second to none.
I will swim against the current here and say I was underwhelmed.
Herron Audio is well-respected by all and enjoyed by many but, in my system, while the M1A amps sounded nice, clean, and pure, they did not display the same level of dynamics, impact and depth as the better amps I have owned.
Wow, such detailed and insightful information, I wasn't expecting! Thank you everyone!! I was really looking forward to getting some hands-on opinions, as enough field info isn't available on the M1s, but plentiful on M150s.
Davt, I am using Audience IC's, speaker cables and power cords with my existing Herron pieces, as well as Keith's ICs. I concur with your assessments.

Best regards to all the willing and Happy Listening,
