Miyajima Kansui vs Dynavector XV-1S

Does anybody have an opinion of these two, having heard both? Two are on sale in my local area and I have kind of zeroed in on these two for an upgrade of my Shelter 901. Table is a SOTA Cosmos and SME V.

Sorry for slightly off-topic question
I would ask about Miyajima Kansui performance versus ZYX 4D Premium if the preamp is ZYX CPP-1 Pre-Pre. In other words do you thin ZyX CPP-1 pre-pre is correct for Kansui?

I believe Zyx and Dynavector are on the same side and zyx cpp-1 pre-pre is amazing for zyx and other cartridges i have.

Kansui vs Zyx 4D Premium, anyone!
I ended up with the XV-1s. I'll mount this weekend. Heard it at the seller's house. Seemed a little polite and reserved but I'll have to hear it in my system.
I have an XV-1S, I eventually learned to pay close attention to SRA and VTF.
For my set-up, I found the need for more VTA than the arm horizontal.

I find the Kansui to be more natural, and perhaps more accurate. The Dynavector, on the other hand, is more lively and fun. I could live with either, but in a pinch I would probably pick the Kansui because I believe it is truer to the music..
Win, I found the Myajima already lacking and strange sounding at certain frequencies, with your comment I wonder how bad the Dyna is. My only experience with it is in a friend's system I was trouble shooting recently. The system was heavily tweaked and we spent the day pulling all of it out and balancing the room acoustics, now I'm wondering if I should have pulled his XV-1 too.
