Table setup/help in SE WI


i live in Fort Atkinson, WI (53538). i'm looking for help installing a DL 103 on my VPI scout. i have had a shop in madison do cartridge installation but they had an issue that resulted in them buying another cartridge for me and having it sent out for repair. a few weeks later something similar happened to a friend of mine it was not a major issue, but it took them weeks to get the table out for repair and back to my friend. i'm not saying there is anything wrong with this place as i've had luck with them in the past. anyway the last MC cart i installed on this table went terribly wrong. once i my 10x5 set up and ready to go and i slipped the belt on, it spun off and somehow caught specifically on the stylus pulling it down and bending it. act of g-d i guess. anyway i'm willing to pay someone to help me or even do it for me. i just dont want to ship it to NYC. any help appreciated!
Raleigh is fast growing area. Very good for business, jobs... Not sure about Winston-Salem, but passing by I've noticed a lot of corporate and industrial properties which is IMHO a great sign. The bible belt is also broken I'd say around Winston-Salem and Triangle(Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill) and not anymore church is the only place of entertainment: cool clubs, restaurants, bars, performing arts venues where greatest and famous artists stop by with performances... Pretty much everything you can get in NYC or Twins in terms of living in large city. You can smell pot smoke next to night clubs and cops don't get crazy about busting onse using it. The longer I live there the more money I make, and the more positive things happening with only exception to summer which I hate here.

The summer is terrible -- sometimes month-worth of over 90F temperatures and upto 2-weeks worth of at or over 100F. Myrtle Beach is great escape from exsessive heat within 3...4.5hours. The rest of seasons great!
czar! cool. i live in fort. not too far. we should meet up some time. i ended up setting it all up by my lonesome. not too difficult. on another note, anyone wanna buy a 10x5 that might need retipping? or a 2m blue in NM shape?