cartridge demagnetization

Are there any telltale signs that your phono cartridge [especially MC] needs to be demagnetized, or is this just a preventative maintenance issue?
I should mention for the benefit of anyone who's just tuned in to the demag argument that Lyra carts such as the Delos use a paramagnetic grade of iron for the coil formers, i.e. will "conduct" magnetism but resist storing it, so residual magnetism should be minimal anyway?

Exactly how much effect any small degree of permanent magnetism will have on Lyra carts and certain other makes of MC is a matter of debate.

I'm sure JC will correct any misinterpretations that I'm guilty of.
Lyra carts such as the Delos use a paramagnetic grade of iron for the coil formers, i.e. will "conduct" magnetism but resist storing it, so residual magnetism should be minimal anyway?

I think you mean "soft magnetic" instead of paramagnetic.

Thanks for the constructive comment, Intactaudio.
I was looking for a word that described the properties of "soft" material but turns out paramagnetic wasn't it ;^)
It's conceivable that some of our contributors, in their long careers, may have, at some point, blown up some dark matter. ;^)