Favorite phono stage in the $500-$800 range?

I have a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum and a Music Hall mmf 5.1 with a Magic 3 cartridge. Any suggestions for a favorite $500-$800 phone stage?
The Jolida JD9 mk ii is right in your price range. This is a tube-buffered phono stage with a great amount of configurability, with separate gain settings for LOMC, HOMC, and MM/MI. It also has a wide range of resistance settings for MC and capacitance settings for MM carts.

There are also some fairly inexpensive tweaks that are drop-in replacements--higher quality 12AX7/5751 tubes and better op-amps--that elevate the performance for low money and no soldering.

I used mine for 3-1/2 years and it's been really good. I only replaced it when I encountered a rare opportunity to get a MAGI Phonomena, which has been compared favorably to the Manley Steelhead.
Check out the Graham Engineering phono stages. I don't know what your cartridge MM vs MC, they make different amps for each. The price is right and I really like their sound. If you have an MM, HOMC,-Mid output cart, the Graham Amp 2 SE is killer good for about $400 new.
Heed Quasar is a little known but outstanding device. I've put it up against well known stages costing much more and it has held its own or bettered the other phono. i just bought a used Rhea which is in a different league. I kept passing on more expensive phonos as the Quasar was just so involving and enjoyable. Looks nice too.