Lewm, any mods outside of my country is impossible for me, shipping cost too much. I can only do it here (such as recaps etc), but now all original sp10mk2 just works fine and i already find local vendor for recap work in the future if needed. Actually Dobbins plinth (and the price quoted here) is a classic one to fit original sp-10mk2. Removing chassis is another story and different plinth he use for his own Kodo The Beat turntable design at much higher price. What i like about removed chassis is the abbility to use any tonearm with it, with original sp10 chassis it's not always possible with short tonearms as you know. Anyway i'm gonna stick to my Reed "12.
It would be nice to read opinion of OMA graphite late plinth users, seems like it's less popular plinth and different technology, but looks great. Sad that i'm so far away and can't check it myself in real life.
It would be nice to read opinion of OMA graphite late plinth users, seems like it's less popular plinth and different technology, but looks great. Sad that i'm so far away and can't check it myself in real life.