Soundsmith Phono-Pre, Any comments?

I have a Rogue Cronus Magnum and VPI Scout 1.1 with Soundsmith VPI Zephyr installed. Currently listening using the built in Cronus Magnum pre. Contemplating purchase of a Soundsmith MMP 3. Any thoughts out there?
Thanks for all the responses. Just ordered the Soundsmith pre. Will report after install.
Good for you. Please let us know your impressions and how well it mates up with your cartridge.
Sound smith pre arrived today. Couldn't wait to hook it up. Had to use some old cheap interconnects, good ones are on the way.. First thing I noticed is that it's absolutely quiet. Even If I crank the volume all the way up with no record on the TT, you don't hear a thing. I'm not very good at audiophile descriptive lingo. but what I can say is that I immediately heard a difference from the Cronus Magnum's built in pre. Female voices ring true, there's absolute clarity in the bass. It's just out and out musical. Certainly can't tell if it would work as well with a non-Soundsmith cart, but might be the best $650.00 I've ever spent on things audio.
Congrats Adeep42 and enjoy the SoundSmith phono-pre. You made a good choice.