Phono stage w/automatic Load-Impedanance.

Yes, automatic load impedance! The WLM PHONATA offers very high dynamics as a result of its very special design (see below)

A few years ago i purchased a slightly used demo unit from Australia. It was reasonable priced (mint- condition) WLM PHONATA reference MM/MC phono stage from respected WLM Acoustic brand (made in Europe). I use it since that day in my system.

a picture of the wlm phonata linked below:

When i bought mine demo it was newly released and totally different for previous WLM model (which was a smaller tube stage). The reference WLM Photana is not a tube stage. I'm not sure what's happened after, but probably it was not widely distributed, maybe they made first run and stop the production of this nice unit. They never updates their own website with info about this new unit. It's impossibe to find any reviews online and i assumed there are not so many users.

I wonder if anyone on AudioGon aware of this ice nproduct. I'm sure most of you familiar with amazing range of WLM speakers and different Tube Amps.

But do you know anything about WLM Photana Referense Phono Stage MM/MC ? It has some interesting features such as AUTOMATIC LOAD IMPEDANCE and 2 RIAA CURVES. It comprises pinnacle circuitry and design features that have never been realized before.

The PHONATA works with two-stage amplification:

• An inductive voltage amplification stage (for MC cartridges) using high
performance professional audio step-up transformers.

• A solid state current amplification stage, using specific MOS-FET transistors with tube-typical harmonic distortion characteristics.

The PHONATA offers utterly precise RIAA equalization:

• RIAA equalization is implemented across two amplification stages (within current amplification), providing a frequency expansion from 10Hz to 50kHz (Subsonic cut below 10Hz). Selected components (1% tolerance) are used.

• RIAA equalization can be selected from two positions with a switch at the back of the unit:

- Position “high” for records produced before 1965 or to improve the performance of somewhat “darker” sounding cartridges at higher frequencies. This position provides +3dB equalization as from 5kHz and +6dB as from 10kHz.

- Position “low” for all other records The PHONATA offers automatic adjustment of Load-Impedance:

• You don’t have to adjust the load-Impedance of your cartridge (plus the interconnect-cable between cartridge and Phono-Preamplifier). It goes automatically thanks to one ingenious piece of circuitry.

• You don’t have to adjust the source voltage of your cartridge as well.

• There are no micro-switches or any other mechanical contacts in the signal-path.

Technical Data:

MC-Input Impedance Range: < 100 Ohm to 50kOhm
MM-Input Capacity: 100pF
THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) @ 1kHz: 0.01%
SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) MC: >72dB
SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) MM: >85dB
Max. Input Voltage for MC-cartridges (theoretical value): 1200mV @ <1% THD
High Performance, Professional Type Step-Up Transformers.
Bpoletti, my AT ART2000 Ltd (similar but slightly different from your AT cart) sounds amazing with ZYX CPP-1 headamp connected to MM imput in my WLM Phonata. With direct connection to MC input on WLM Phonata it is not so chrystal clear as with ZYX headamp.
There have been other "auto load impedance" designs made.
Example Classe' DR-6 MK-I, MK-II pre amps and probable others of a certain time line when it was popular.
Chakster, You seem to use the term "impedance" interchangeably to talk about both the voltage output of a cartridge (usually expressed in mV in relation to a stylus velocity of either 3.54 or 5.0 cm/sec) and its internal resistance. Thus it is not the low internal resistance/impedance of an MC cartridge that necessitates a SUT so much as it is the low signal voltage that these cartridges typically generate. However, in a way you are right, because the low internal resistance makes an MC cartridge more of a current generator than a voltage generator; the SUT merely serves to trade off current for more voltage.

As to this feature of auto-loading, thanks to Totem for reminding me of some of the other now vintage products that once offered this feature. I think most of us favor choosing the load to suit our musical taste. I prefer a phono stage that allows me to select the load resistance, and for MMs, the load capacitance, most conveniently. I've given up on the purist approach that says no switches in the signal path, but if I have determined what load R and C I prefer, I might then hard wire the parts in circuit, bypassing the switch.
I definitely need to compare my Automatic Impedance Load phono tage to some other phono stages with Manual Load options if i can invite someone with such stage to my house to check this out (and drink some wine).

I have no idea how it works with Automatic Load Impedance, but i try to understand the process and need for manual load (when you don't have 10 cartridges).

What did the improvement in sound of very low coil impedance (4-6 Om) cartridges is my external cpp-1 headamp for such cartridges as ZYX or Ortofon SPU. Lewm, 4 Omega is very low coild impedance - right ? And the ouput of these cartridges also very low (about 0.24 mV).

At the same time my AT Art2000 MC cartridge impedance is 12 Omega and output voltage is 0.4 vM. Absolutely no problem with 47db gain of my WLP stage. Sounds good with auto load, but with connected external headamp cpp-1 (between cartridge and my MM input) the sound is more like on steroids.

With high output MC like 1.9 mV Argent (don't know the coil impedance) my auto-loading stage sounds simply amazing and no need to change anything.