I'm looking for a descent power cord for a restored Garrard 301. It should be light weight so it doesn't tug on the motor and it would be nice if it was unterminated to save me the trouble. I don't think anything fancy is necessary or even all that helpful for a Garrard, but my experience is limited. What are you using?
Suggest a Pangea cord from audio advisor. They are very reasonable and you can get free shipping. They also have a return policy. Talking 60 bucks.
I put one on a VPI Scout and it greatly reduced noise. Did a lot to increase soundstage and made everything better. I think its the best value I have ever come across. It is also light and won't move your motor.
Some say it makes things too bright. It did do that for about a day and then it calmed down in my system. I would be surprise if you could do better under 100 bucks
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