The Band: S/T and/or Music from the Big Pink

I have been holding out for nice copies of either of these. I have a later (not new reissue) pressing of Big Pink, and it sounds pretty good, but nothing special. I was advised to steer clear of the CAP Vaults reissues, and my gut tells me to skip the MFSL's. I have also had a hard time finding nice copies of either LP in record shops. Do early presses sound good, or is my pain and suffering all for nothing. Cheers -Don
Thanks Qdrone- Music from the Big Pink is such a great record. I'm leaning toward the newer MFSL version, but also keeping an eye out for a Green label RL press.
Yeah I thought the new The Band MFSL was mastered from the master tapes but no.Damn trickery across the top of the record the band reads Mobile fidelity sound labs not original master recording.
I'll give it a spin tonight and comment on the sound. No I'm not going to drag out my original copy or my Simply Vinyl copy and compare them just the sound of this pressing.
Yeah- Perhaps they should have put that out as part of their SILVER series. I totally agree with you on that. If it's NOT an Original Master Recording, don't charge the premium. I'm starting to get the impression that Music from Big Pink, may just be a better recording. If memory serves, MF reviewed both MFSL's, and gave MFBP a better rating. Please share your thoughts, I know you liked the MFSL MFBP. Cheers -Don
First the good on The Band MFSL it is quiet and
not warped but it is in no way in the league with
There isn't the instrument separation as in the
MFSL MFBP,it still sounds murky.The organ is lost
in the mix on some songs like Across the Great
Divide.The 24 bit cd re master has separation
galore but it does sound like a digital
recording. Until they find the master the RL
pressing is our best bet.
Wolf, I just saw your above posting from 6-30 (I don't know how I missed it before!), and know all too well what you mean about The Band being bad news for musicians in the late 60's, Clapton included. I've tried to help non-musicians understand just how influential, how revolutionary, how transformative The Band and their first two albums were, usually unsuccessfully. They and those two albums completely changed the approach to making music of every "good" R & R musician of that time I have ever known!

I think the sound of the brown album, which Fremer describes as muddy, is actually really cool. It's very organic sounding, very woody, the drums sounding real "thumpy", which is how the Gretsch drums (and Ludwig snare) Levon is playing were tuned. I have two sets of Gretsch myself, and have tuned them and damped the heads to make them sound as much like Levon's do on the album as possible. For Jazz fans, it's the sound of calfskin heads, like Gene Krupa's in the 30's. When Levon started playing in Arkansas in the 50's, plastic heads had yet to be invented, and apparently Levon tried to keep his plastic-headed drums sounding much as the calfskin-headed drums from his early days had.

As you said, the brown album is just insanely great. The musicianship, the ensemble playing (which remains unequalled in R & R to this day), the singing, just made nearly all other contemporary music sound, you put it right, lame. It's just amazing how different it is from MFBP, while still obviously being from the same group of musicians and singers. MFBP was recorded in proper studios, and is infused with the standard fake reverb and echo, sounding much bigger and glossier than The Band actually sounded. The brown album was recorded "dry", and is exactly what The Band sounded like live. Totally unlike any other Band/Group I have seen/heard live, and I've seen a bunch!